Friday, November 2, 2012

7 quick ones

Joining Jen and some other lovely ladies to recap the week in 7 little quickies.

1. Hallowednesday = Hallowcrazy. I feel like Halloween was so much more than just one day this year. We celebrated this weekend with friends (post later!) and continued the fun in the classroom this week with Halloween themed poems and a fun oozing pumpkin science experiment. I can definitely say that I have had my fill of trick or treating excitement, talk of costumes, and sugar buzzed kiddos and am ready to resume a more normal schedule next week. ;) Above is a sneak peek of some Halloween fun that happened at our apartment last weekend.

2. Hurricane Sandy. I'm sure we've all been thinking a lot about those on the East coast. My heart has been with my family out there all week. There are a lot of great rescue and relief efforts going on right now and I saw a great educational website take away their subscriptions for the week. It was all so that kiddos on the East coast could still get some structured education time while being cooped up at home. Snaps for Brainpop Jr. being awesome.

3. Hello, anthro. Hi anthropologie. Hi pretty new things. Hi inspiration upon inspiration in your pretty little pages. money in my wallet. Really in love with these, this and this.

(advent calendar idea found here.)
4. Getting pinspired. And wanting to get started on a lot of holiday crafts...however, this 90 degree no-where-near-holiday-weather is killing that craft buzz. Hard.

5. Current aches and pains. I have been feeling like I am nearing the ripe old age of 80 all week between my muscles and bones aching away. BUT! I think I've figure out my shoulder/arm issues...the bag I carry to and from school is probably almost my body weight and I tend to kind of heave it on my body before heading out the door maybe pulling a muscle in the process. trendyhashtag-teacherproblems.

6. New blogs I've found & have been enjoying, maybe you will too: 
Aspiring Kennedy 
The Vintage Modern Wife
Coffee & Cardigans

7. Sorry for the hiatus...needed time to think. Anddddd (sorry too for starting two sentences in this post with 'and' yes, it is bothering me) that will lead into a post that will hopefully surface next week if the crazy subsides for now. I just needed to work some things over in the old noggin and I still am...but more on that later.

Woaaaaah left ya with a cliffhanger! Trying to spice these quickies up!

Have a blissfilled weekend.


  1. Good advice from the blog post you linked to. I think we all struggle with 'Why?' and that can lead to 'Why bother?' Once our because becomes...BECAUSE! I think we struggle with blogging. So, do you have your BECAUSE? I had a personal blog before I started a communal blog. Once I started the communal blog, I totally ignored the personal blog. Once I started ignoring my personal blog, I also started ignoring my hobby of taking pictures; I reasoned I didn't have a blog to put them on, so why take them. When I stopped taking pictures and blogging, I lost my voice. I have a BECAUSE for the communal blog and now I have a BECAUSE for the personal blog--I have started taking pictures again and am working on unearthing my voice.

    Long comment...sorry about that.

  2. Unspeakably happy I found that you're blogging again!

    In all honesty, I CHUCK-le as I reach the last lines of this post.
