All of the sculptures are made completely out of ice (aside from some slight embellishments) - even the path ways! The large exhibit which included slides for the kiddos was Nutcracker themed. There was a smaller exhibit that was themed around Christmas in New York and then it all ended with a beautiful Nativity.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
These past few weeks have been FULL. Full of work, school, ice, illness (oh and the holidays!?)'s time for a much needed winter break! But even among the chaos there have been really wonderful moments like this past Friday when my sweet husband treated me to a fantastic early birthday date! We went out to the Gaylord to see the ICE! Exhibit and it definitely did not disappoint. I was wary at first hearing that the conference room the exhibit is in would be a chilly 8 degrees... but it ended up being one of the coolest experiences (pun completely and totally intended)! I would love to make this a tradition or at least add it to the list of things to do during this holiday season even if we don't make it every year.
All of the sculptures are made completely out of ice (aside from some slight embellishments) - even the path ways! The large exhibit which included slides for the kiddos was Nutcracker themed. There was a smaller exhibit that was themed around Christmas in New York and then it all ended with a beautiful Nativity.
All of the sculptures are made completely out of ice (aside from some slight embellishments) - even the path ways! The large exhibit which included slides for the kiddos was Nutcracker themed. There was a smaller exhibit that was themed around Christmas in New York and then it all ended with a beautiful Nativity.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Thanksgiving 2013
Happy belated thanksgiving everyone! We are currently down in NOLA enjoying family, friends and of course beignets. We spent the day yesterday with my wonderful in-laws eating our fair share of turkey and playing silly games.
A few things I am thankful for this year are...
-This wonderful little life we are so excited to meet this coming April! Lots of kicks have been felt this weekend.
-A wonderful, loving husband who I get to fall more in love with each day. He does such a great job taking care if our little family and I don't tell him nearly enough.
-Sweet family and friends that constantly bless us with their love and support.
-Close girlfriends - both new and old - to share funny moments with, read good books with, and generally enjoy life with.
-Good jobs that we both genuinely enjoy that provide for our family.
-A goofy puppy dog that has added entertainment and energy (and moments of frustration;) to our life.
-A church community that had given us an opportunity to minister to others and be ministered to.
-Opportunities to grow in our faith lives this year both individually and together.
Just it name a few! I intend on using the rest of this break to enjoy my far away family, spend quality time with my sweet husband, and possibly eat more beignets. We return to our humble abode in Sunday and intend on celebrating this first Sunday of Advent by decorating for Christmas!
Friday, November 8, 2013
Every year, my dear husband goes on a retreat with the men in his family. This retreat usually falls the weekend before Christmas and is always a time for him to refocus and center himself for the new year. Ever since I have known him he has gone on this retreat and I was always a little jealous of the time he spends away growing closer to God and reflecting.
Switching gears to my life - for the past 6 years I have been volunteering on and off with our church's Lifeteen program and have LOVED every single minute of it. Every fall we go on a retreat but I am always leading a small group, giving a talk, or running around in the background. I'm ministering to others and not being ministered to. While this is fabulous and I love the opportunity I am being given to serve others - I have been feeling lately that I am running on empty. This is a feeling that has been pretty consistent the past year or so...just very worn and disconnected from my faith life.
Well what do you know - a little opportunity for me to retreat has popped up! But this is no normal yay Jesus clap your hands, sing some songs, play some games retreat (like the ones I have been helping out on as of late)... it's a silent retreat.
One little detail I left out about my husbands retreat, is that it's silent. Well for the engineer-computer-nerd-type, I would imagine that being quiet for a few days isn't that big of a deal. I talk to people, a LOT, every DAY, as my job. I am constantly making to do lists and taking notes and writing and planning and... silence is hard for me. So needless to say...I'm a little nervous.
I should be finishing up packing right now but baby was hungry so we had a snack and I decided to write a few thoughts down. I'm thankful that some other ladies I have gotten to know through church are coming on this retreat as well and while it will be silent, I won't be going about it alone. I think it's going to be eye opening to spend so much time with my computer and cell phone completely turned off and my mind turned on to God. I'm ready for the challenge and the hopeful refreshment I'll be receiving this weekend.
Prayers are greatly appreciated & I'll be praying for you too!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Bumpdate: 16 weeks
I have yet to really delve into the depths of pregnancy details because not much has happened. Aside from the exciting discovery that we were having a little babe (which is a post all on its own) nothing has really rocked the boat as far as how I feel or look. This past week I started to feel a little bit more bumpy in the tummy area and today I really felt like I looked pregnant. However, the above picture may or may not be an accurate depiction of bump-age because it was taken after a full day spent at the Texas State Fair. So not only is that my baby in the bump but a food baby comprised of almost everything fried that the fair had to offer. Things really have been pretty easy thus far in the baby journey and I'm praying that they continue this way. My first trimester rendered minimal nausea and no morning sickness for which I am the most thankful. Really, the biggest change has been my endurance during the day and how easily I get tired (falling asleep at work, when your work involves 20 eight year olds, is usually frowned upon).
The biggest excitement: I'm pretty sure I felt a few movements today at the fair (somebody thoroughly enjoyed the chocolate pie shake I was having). Little jumps like muscle spasms or twitches which was pretty weird but also pretty incredible.
On to another week of growing a human!
Saturday, October 5, 2013
seven quick takes
Joining Jen and some other lovely ladies for a quick Friday recap of our week. My goal next week is to actually post this on Friday. ;)
1. New name! - So I have been "blogging" (I say that because I am still a member of the consistently inconsistent bloggers club) for a little over a year now and up until this past Sunday the title of my blog was still the place holder of "in progress." A part of me appreciated these transition words because I felt that the lent themselves to where I feel I always am in life - a state of progress - but I have been wanting something a big more permanent. I was inspired by the following picture that was taken at our engagement shoot two years ago at one of my favorite places in the world Cafe du Monde.
2. Bumpdates! - I have taken a 12 week photo and a 13 week photo the past two weeks and have meant to post them on Sunday but they have slipped through the cracks of a packed schedule. I am planning on making up for lost time this week but honestly... no one is missing much. I have a slight bump after I eat dinner most nights but really have little to show for my pregnant self at the moment. I just inherited some maternity clothes from the wonderful, Heidi (my waistline thanks you!) and placed my first order for maternity pants from Loft and I'm ready to make good use of them all!
3. Reading list: Currently on the lookout for a new book to read. Preferably one that does not involve caterpillars and talking cats and dogs. It's hard reading during the school year but I was able to accomplish a goal of reading at least ONE grown up book this summer, I think I might be able to do the same during the year...maybe.
4. School: It was a tough week this week. It has honestly been a tough couple of weeks but we are making it through. Just really challenged with this group of kiddos this year due to some extremely varying learning styles but they are pushing me to provide for them and meet their needs. It is just going to take some extra preparation on my part and sacrificing some time on the weekends. Teaching is also a job that unfortunately lends itself to self comparison and I've caught myself doing that this past week more times than I would like to admit. Time to rest assured that I am doing everything I can do and that I am a good teacher... that is just one of those things that is easier said than done.
5. Things on my heart: We are heading down to NOLA for Thanksgiving again this year and I'm ready to be with the other half of my family. We vacationed with my in laws at the beginning of the summer and spent a good chunk of time with them down there and in Florida but it's time to head back. I love it down there and I'm definitely missing some special people (and beignets, let's be honest).
6. Date night: We went to go see Gravity last night and HOLY. MOTHER. COW. GEEZ. That was probably THE most stressful movie I have ever seen in my entire life - but also the most amazing. Sandra Bullock, that lady, I completely underestimated her acting abilities. If you haven't seen it I won't elaborate but as a person who is extremely freaked out by space travel I thought it was an amazing movie and I got over my fears pretty quickly. It's great.
7. And here are more engagement pictures... because after pulling up the beignet picture I just had to look through all of them, naturally. All photo cred goes to our amazing photographer and friend, Jessica Renee Photography.
Happy weekend!
1. New name! - So I have been "blogging" (I say that because I am still a member of the consistently inconsistent bloggers club) for a little over a year now and up until this past Sunday the title of my blog was still the place holder of "in progress." A part of me appreciated these transition words because I felt that the lent themselves to where I feel I always am in life - a state of progress - but I have been wanting something a big more permanent. I was inspired by the following picture that was taken at our engagement shoot two years ago at one of my favorite places in the world Cafe du Monde.
Sorry I'm not sorry I may have just caused you to drool.
2. Bumpdates! - I have taken a 12 week photo and a 13 week photo the past two weeks and have meant to post them on Sunday but they have slipped through the cracks of a packed schedule. I am planning on making up for lost time this week but honestly... no one is missing much. I have a slight bump after I eat dinner most nights but really have little to show for my pregnant self at the moment. I just inherited some maternity clothes from the wonderful, Heidi (my waistline thanks you!) and placed my first order for maternity pants from Loft and I'm ready to make good use of them all!
3. Reading list: Currently on the lookout for a new book to read. Preferably one that does not involve caterpillars and talking cats and dogs. It's hard reading during the school year but I was able to accomplish a goal of reading at least ONE grown up book this summer, I think I might be able to do the same during the year...maybe.
4. School: It was a tough week this week. It has honestly been a tough couple of weeks but we are making it through. Just really challenged with this group of kiddos this year due to some extremely varying learning styles but they are pushing me to provide for them and meet their needs. It is just going to take some extra preparation on my part and sacrificing some time on the weekends. Teaching is also a job that unfortunately lends itself to self comparison and I've caught myself doing that this past week more times than I would like to admit. Time to rest assured that I am doing everything I can do and that I am a good teacher... that is just one of those things that is easier said than done.
5. Things on my heart: We are heading down to NOLA for Thanksgiving again this year and I'm ready to be with the other half of my family. We vacationed with my in laws at the beginning of the summer and spent a good chunk of time with them down there and in Florida but it's time to head back. I love it down there and I'm definitely missing some special people (and beignets, let's be honest).
6. Date night: We went to go see Gravity last night and HOLY. MOTHER. COW. GEEZ. That was probably THE most stressful movie I have ever seen in my entire life - but also the most amazing. Sandra Bullock, that lady, I completely underestimated her acting abilities. If you haven't seen it I won't elaborate but as a person who is extremely freaked out by space travel I thought it was an amazing movie and I got over my fears pretty quickly. It's great.
7. And here are more engagement pictures... because after pulling up the beignet picture I just had to look through all of them, naturally. All photo cred goes to our amazing photographer and friend, Jessica Renee Photography.
Happy weekend!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
lovin' on blogs
Ever since google reader disappeared into the land of formerly wonderful things that made my life happy and better I have been on the search for a blog reader that would be easy to use and more importantly import all of my favorite blogs into one place. I settled on Bloglovin' via some friendly recommendations (I've also heard good things about feedly and have been wondering if I should give that a shot...) and now you can follow the blog over there!
Happy Thursday!
Saturday, September 21, 2013
7 quick ones
Rejoining the world of quick takers and following Jen and the lovely bunch for 7 quick ones!
1. My students have been cracking me up this week. I know that more often than not I catch myself complaining about long hours and extra stress, but my kiddos this year really know how to make me realize why I went into this profession in the first place. For example the note below:
Best part of my day. One of my students decided to use her free reading time to write a friendly letter to a student in the class next door and ended it with "I love you more than chocolate pie." These are serious friendship commitments we have going on here in 3rd grade. We don't mess around.
2. It feels like fall outside. It actually felt appropriate to drink my Pumpkin Spice Latte this morning.
3. We had our 12 week appointment yesterday and everything in babyland is going swimmingly! I celebrated this stellar report with aforementioned PSL and bagel+cream cheese this morning. My doctor was having a tough time finding the little one's heart beat so we ended up getting more sonogram pictures. Not complaining! It was pretty funny because it ended up that the baby was alllllllll the way in the back hiding and just chillin' like a villain with it's hands behind it's head. Hopefully that chill attitude remains throughout this pregnancy and upon entering this world. ;)
Head and hands are on the left side and big ol' pumpkin belly is on the right.
4. Realizing I'm running out of takes and you're only half way through... I might need to add more excitement to my life.
5. I've been thinking a lot about vocations lately - but I supposed that could be it's own post so I'll leave it at that. It tends to be a topic with some heft.
6. Going to the new Alamo Draft House we have now to see Elysium and munch on some delicious food. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe these wonderful creations to be only a Texas thing. If you haven't been yet - you should go it's a wonderful time. They have strict no talking and texting rules and have pretty good food and the best popcorn to have ever entered my mouth. Go.
7. Contemplating whether or not to do bump updates (bumpdates if you will - the words are begging to be combined) on the blog.
Have a happy!
Saturday, September 14, 2013
This week we finally let the cat out of the bag and told our family, friends, and coworkers the news that we have been keeping secret these past couple of months. We are so happy to finally let people know and share in this joy with us. I still can't believe that there is a little baby growing inside of me right now; I'm sure that will feel more real as the weeks progress. We are just so lucky and blessed to have such wonderful people surrounding us who are so excited for us.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
why I teach: the first few weeks of school
Yesterday marked the end of our second week of the new school year. How two weeks can feel like two months, I will never know. The beginning of the year is always filled to the brim and I always feel like I can't handle the constant movement - but I can, because I love it.
I was taking some time this morning to catch up on my blog reading and came across this post. That had a link to the following documentary series premier:
There have been moments these past two weeks where I have felt more tired, more challenged, and more drained than I did my first year teaching. I know that this is a common feeling in our school right now and my grade level isn't dealing with half of the curriculum changes other grades are having to deal with. With everything that piles on my plate in August every year, I have never worked in an environment that keeps me more motivated or self reflecting. I am always learning something new about myself and being pushed to be more patient, kind, and caring. This year is going to be the best one yet, I can feel it. My kids are wonderful, my team is awesome, and I am ready to accept any and all new learning challenges that will make me a better teacher and person for these little people I get to work with every day.
Some snapshots from these past two weeks or so:
There have been moments these past two weeks where I have felt more tired, more challenged, and more drained than I did my first year teaching. I know that this is a common feeling in our school right now and my grade level isn't dealing with half of the curriculum changes other grades are having to deal with. With everything that piles on my plate in August every year, I have never worked in an environment that keeps me more motivated or self reflecting. I am always learning something new about myself and being pushed to be more patient, kind, and caring. This year is going to be the best one yet, I can feel it. My kids are wonderful, my team is awesome, and I am ready to accept any and all new learning challenges that will make me a better teacher and person for these little people I get to work with every day.
Some snapshots from these past two weeks or so:
our happy learning space
fresh year, fresh new pillows for our reading corner
sweet little first day of school present
Now I'm off to clean, grade, and enjoy this beautiful Saturday!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
summer goals
As I set out on this summer this past June I had a list of all the tasks I was unable to do/enjoy/participate fully in during the school year. I was going to have 2.5 months away from work with an abundance of time (thanks to a wonderful husband who told me to take a break and not teach summer school. He's going to heaven.) - I could accomplish anything! Travels! Organization! Things! Right?
One of those goals was to read more. Inspired by my friend Caitlin's post on her summer book obsession, I realized that while I may not have read in abundance - I can officially say that I did read one entire book, purely for the pleasure and wonder of reading, for. my. self.
I read the historically fiction-based novel Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Ann Fowler by way of this lovely blog's recommendation. It was a fabulous read for the summer and gave me a little insight into a time and lives that I haven't really explored yet. It was nice to take time (almost) each day to sit down and take a break from the other tasks I was trying to accomplish. Something I need to do during the school year to keep me sane and energized.
One summer goal, knocked off the list!
This book highly recommended (especially if you are an F. Scott Fitgerald fan or thoroughly enjoyed the recent Gastby remake that came out earlier this year):
One of those goals was to read more. Inspired by my friend Caitlin's post on her summer book obsession, I realized that while I may not have read in abundance - I can officially say that I did read one entire book, purely for the pleasure and wonder of reading, for. my. self.
I read the historically fiction-based novel Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Ann Fowler by way of this lovely blog's recommendation. It was a fabulous read for the summer and gave me a little insight into a time and lives that I haven't really explored yet. It was nice to take time (almost) each day to sit down and take a break from the other tasks I was trying to accomplish. Something I need to do during the school year to keep me sane and energized.
One summer goal, knocked off the list!
This book highly recommended (especially if you are an F. Scott Fitgerald fan or thoroughly enjoyed the recent Gastby remake that came out earlier this year):
Monday, August 12, 2013
happy august + my 4 month break
Hi again!
Didn't I just ("just" is a very, very loose term...) post in April about taking an unexpected break from the blogging world? Life, why you always got to get the best of me and my time management!?
It has been a little over a year that I started this blog.
It has been a little over a year that we got married.
It has been a little over a long time since I really sat down and thought about sharing and blogging.
Maybe I'll take another crack at it.
Didn't I just ("just" is a very, very loose term...) post in April about taking an unexpected break from the blogging world? Life, why you always got to get the best of me and my time management!?
It has been a little over a year that I started this blog.
It has been a little over a year that we got married.
It has been a little over a long time since I really sat down and thought about sharing and blogging.
Maybe I'll take another crack at it.
Monday, April 15, 2013
It's funny how easy it is to lose track of time. To get so caught up in work and life that you forget to stop and take time for yourself. Am I saying anything new and profound here? No.
But I feel like that has been happening a lot lately .
I have been overbooking myself left and right and instead of feeling more satisfied with all that I am doing...
I feel exhausted.
I have been living and breathing work these past few months. Activities, challenges, testing... (not to mention the regular classroom maintenance and grading;) I have been working every chance that I get. We are in the home stretch with a little less than two months to go and then my babies will be moving on to fourth grade. It's so funny how they are growing and changing, learning in new ways. I can tell that most if not all of my kids are ready to move on, ready for summer, ready for their next step in life. I start getting nostalgic this time of year. It's when so many chapters end and the thrill of something new starts to sink in.
We have been talking about some changes that are hopefully going to happen in the nearish future. Where we want our life to go and how we want to use our time. Things that we want to work on and new challenges we want to undertake. It's all so exciting. A little scary, but for the most part filling me with that thrill.
But I feel like that has been happening a lot lately .
I have been overbooking myself left and right and instead of feeling more satisfied with all that I am doing...
I feel exhausted.
I have been living and breathing work these past few months. Activities, challenges, testing... (not to mention the regular classroom maintenance and grading;) I have been working every chance that I get. We are in the home stretch with a little less than two months to go and then my babies will be moving on to fourth grade. It's so funny how they are growing and changing, learning in new ways. I can tell that most if not all of my kids are ready to move on, ready for summer, ready for their next step in life. I start getting nostalgic this time of year. It's when so many chapters end and the thrill of something new starts to sink in.
We have been talking about some changes that are hopefully going to happen in the nearish future. Where we want our life to go and how we want to use our time. Things that we want to work on and new challenges we want to undertake. It's all so exciting. A little scary, but for the most part filling me with that thrill.
Monday, January 21, 2013
"Hate cannot drive out hate..." -MLK
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Print via ParadaCreations |
Keeping this in mind today as we remember a great man and inaugurate our President. Praying for those who lead our great country and the decisions they make.
Enjoy this beautiful day y'all!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
7 quickies
Because of my wee winter break hiatus of sorts/post winter break holy-cow-its-too-cray-to-do-anything-but -teach-eat-sleep (too many hyphens? never) hiatus... I haven't posted any quick takes in quite a while! I'm also posting these not on Friday (rule breaker = me). BUT I did start them on Friday so it counts. So here we go. Joining Jen and some other lovely blogger ladies (bladies?)! Let's do the thing (family friendly? always).
1. First week back at school. Always a bit of a doooooozy but we made it. I can honestly say that reflecting back on this week compared to last semester that this week was the hardest one I have had so far this year. Seeing the glass half full (after a good few days of seeing it very, very empty and not filled with anything good), I'm grateful that this kind of week showed itself half way through the school year. Now moving on to the rest of the semester and resting assured that I am doing the absolute best I can with my kiddos and everyone involved in their educational success.
2. Quilting. So one of my sweet teammates at work is expecting a baby girl and I am going to make a baby quilt for this little bit! I took a few sewing classes growing up courtesy of a mother and grandmother who both saw sewing as a useful skill and now I'm going to try and put what was learned to good use! I'm secretly hoping that this might become a new hobby. We'll see, check back later to see if I still have all of my fingers after using a rotary cutter (first go-round was a bit scary).
3. Sarah + Kelly wedding. Two of our very favorite people got married last week. This couple is such an amazing unit and to see them get married and be a part of their day/weekend was such an incredible experience. I'm still in a dreamy wedding haze from this celebration. When you see something good, it's goooooood.
4. Winter break... I miss you. I wrote this one on Friday after having a tough couple of days at school. The weekend has helped significantly. I really miss the days that were the best mix of productive + lazy. I miss wearing stretchy pants for a large portion of the day and making up my own schedule...but honestly I think I'm good. Happy to be back to the regimented grind of sorts and having a schedule, and yes even wearing real pants.
5.Thankful for my job, friends, family, etc. It was really nice
to come back to school knowing that I have a great group of people I
work with. I was repeatedly reminded this week of how lucky I am to work
with a team of creative, loving women on a daily basis. I don't think a
day goes by where I don't grow or learn in some new way.
6. Resolutions....still coming. Maybe next year one of my resolutions will be to think of my resolutions further in advance... or maybe that can be this year. Some things on the list though are:
-healthier eating decisions/meal planning
-getting a decent amount of sleep/becoming a grown up
-making commitments and keeping them
-saying no to enjoy time rather than just fill up my schedule
Like I said...formal post to (hopefully) follow but I'm liking where it's going so far.
7. WEEKEND. Almost over, but still enjoying it immensely. :)
Happy Sunday y'all!
1. First week back at school. Always a bit of a doooooozy but we made it. I can honestly say that reflecting back on this week compared to last semester that this week was the hardest one I have had so far this year. Seeing the glass half full (after a good few days of seeing it very, very empty and not filled with anything good), I'm grateful that this kind of week showed itself half way through the school year. Now moving on to the rest of the semester and resting assured that I am doing the absolute best I can with my kiddos and everyone involved in their educational success.
2. Quilting. So one of my sweet teammates at work is expecting a baby girl and I am going to make a baby quilt for this little bit! I took a few sewing classes growing up courtesy of a mother and grandmother who both saw sewing as a useful skill and now I'm going to try and put what was learned to good use! I'm secretly hoping that this might become a new hobby. We'll see, check back later to see if I still have all of my fingers after using a rotary cutter (first go-round was a bit scary).
4. Winter break... I miss you. I wrote this one on Friday after having a tough couple of days at school. The weekend has helped significantly. I really miss the days that were the best mix of productive + lazy. I miss wearing stretchy pants for a large portion of the day and making up my own schedule...but honestly I think I'm good. Happy to be back to the regimented grind of sorts and having a schedule, and yes even wearing real pants.
6. Resolutions....still coming. Maybe next year one of my resolutions will be to think of my resolutions further in advance... or maybe that can be this year. Some things on the list though are:
-healthier eating decisions/meal planning
-getting a decent amount of sleep/becoming a grown up
-making commitments and keeping them
-saying no to enjoy time rather than just fill up my schedule
Like I said...formal post to (hopefully) follow but I'm liking where it's going so far.
7. WEEKEND. Almost over, but still enjoying it immensely. :)
Happy Sunday y'all!
Monday, January 7, 2013
be grateful
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print via Unraveled Designs |
I found this etsy shop by way of a friend of mine.
Really trying to remind myself of that whole "Be Grateful" part of this print.
The whole message is a great reminder that I don't think I hear often enough. One that is telling me to live life to the fullest and to not dwell on negatives that may come my way.
Today was one of those days. Where things I could only see as negative were rolling in one after the other. Here's this. Here's this. Oh, and here's this. It is hard for any human being to stand up and seek out positive feelings after one of those days. But I don't want to waste time and I want to use the time I do have to appreciate this life. Not saying I'm about to bound off into a field of butterflies and unicorns, but I'm grateful for artists like this who provide a much needed reminder after a day like today.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Happy New Year!
I can't believe that we are already two days into this glorious new year. I wanted to write a little something a few days ago to sum up 2012 but I just never got around to it with everything that was the end of the year. Not to dwell too much, because I definitely am ready to get this new year started off right, but 2012 was a fantastic year. I still can't believe all of the changes, events, new friends, and good times that were had. This will forever be a year held close to my heart because it made me realize so much about myself and this beautiful life.With that being said, I'm excited for 2013 to get in motion! I have yet to really plan out any resolution type goals. I am still thinking about how I can push myself in this next year. But I know that one of them is going to be to blog regularly. I want to see this space grow and to become a way to keep track of our little family and our adventures together.
I hope that everyone had a happy and safe celebration with loved ones! To a new year with new opportunities!
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