Monday, January 21, 2013

"Hate cannot drive out hate..." -MLK

Print via ParadaCreations

Keeping this in mind today as we remember a great man and inaugurate our President. Praying for those who lead our great country and the decisions they make.

Enjoy this beautiful day y'all!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

7 quickies

Because of my wee winter break hiatus of sorts/post winter break holy-cow-its-too-cray-to-do-anything-but -teach-eat-sleep (too many hyphens? never) hiatus... I haven't posted any quick takes in quite a while! I'm also posting these not on Friday (rule breaker = me). BUT I did start them on Friday so it counts. So here we go. Joining Jen and some other lovely blogger ladies (bladies?)! Let's do the         thing (family friendly? always).

1. First week back at school. Always a bit of a doooooozy but we made it. I can honestly say that reflecting back on this week compared to last semester that this week was the hardest one I have had so far this year. Seeing the glass half full (after a good few days of seeing it very, very empty and not filled with anything good), I'm grateful that this kind of week showed itself half way through the school year. Now moving on to the rest of the semester and resting assured that I am doing the absolute best I can with my kiddos and everyone involved in their educational success.

2. Quilting. So one of my sweet teammates at work is expecting a baby girl and I am going to make a baby quilt for this little bit! I took a few sewing classes growing up courtesy of a mother and grandmother who both saw sewing as a useful skill and now I'm going to try and put what was learned to good use! I'm secretly hoping that this might become a new hobby. We'll see, check back later to see if I still have all of my fingers after using a rotary cutter (first go-round was a bit scary).

3. Sarah + Kelly wedding. Two of our very favorite people got married last week. This couple is such an amazing unit and to see them get married and be a part of their day/weekend was such an incredible experience. I'm still in a dreamy wedding haze from this celebration. When you see something good, it's goooooood.

4. Winter break... I miss you. I wrote this one on Friday after having a tough couple of days at school. The weekend has helped significantly. I really miss the days that were the best mix of productive + lazy. I miss wearing stretchy pants for a large portion of the day and making up my own schedule...but honestly I think I'm good. Happy to be back to the regimented grind of sorts and having a schedule, and yes even wearing real pants.

5.Thankful for my job, friends, family, etc. It was really nice to come back to school knowing that I have a great group of people I work with. I was repeatedly reminded this week of how lucky I am to work with a team of creative, loving women on a daily basis. I don't think a day goes by where I don't grow or learn in some new way.

6. Resolutions....still coming. Maybe next year one of my resolutions will be to think of my resolutions further in advance... or maybe that can be this year. Some things on the list though are:
-healthier eating decisions/meal planning
-getting a decent amount of sleep/becoming a grown up
-making commitments and keeping them
-saying no to enjoy time rather than just fill up my schedule

Like I said...formal post to (hopefully) follow but I'm liking where it's going so far.

7. WEEKEND. Almost over, but still enjoying it immensely. :)

Happy Sunday y'all!

Monday, January 7, 2013

be grateful

print via Unraveled Designs

I found this etsy shop by way of a friend of mine.

Really trying to remind myself of that whole "Be Grateful" part of this print.

The whole message is a great reminder that I don't think I hear often enough. One that is telling me to live life to the fullest and to not dwell on negatives that may come my way. 

Today was one of those days. Where things I could only see as negative were rolling in one after the other. Here's this. Here's this. Oh, and here's this. It is hard for any human being to stand up and seek out positive feelings after one of those days. But I don't want to waste time and I want to use the time I do have to appreciate this life. Not saying I'm about to bound off into a field of butterflies and unicorns, but I'm grateful for artists like this who provide a much needed reminder after a day like today.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Happy New Year!
I can't believe that we are already two days into this glorious new year. I wanted to write a little something a few days ago to sum up 2012 but I just never got around to it with everything that was the end of the year. Not to dwell too much, because I definitely am ready to get this new year started off right, but 2012 was a fantastic year. I still can't believe all of the changes, events, new friends, and good times that were had. This will forever be a year held close to my heart because it made me realize so much about myself and this beautiful life.

With that being said, I'm excited for 2013 to get in motion! I have yet to really plan out any resolution type goals. I am still thinking about how I can push myself in this next year. But I know that one of them is going to be to blog regularly. I want to see this space grow and to become a way to keep track of our little family and our adventures together.

I hope that everyone had a happy and safe celebration with loved ones! To a new year with new opportunities!