Friday, May 4, 2012

7 quick takes, take 2

Here we go again, seven quick takes from this (seriously, unexpectedly long and a wee-bit-tiring) week!

As stated previously, this week was LONG and more tiring that expected. I was kind of hoping for a more relaxed week but life happens as does overbooking oneself (which I am especially good at). This girl needs a nap and some time not doing anything. Now if only I could tell myself that when faced with the decision to commit to yet ANOTHER activity. 


May is going to be awesome. As stated by the 23 reasons found here. (just warning to be P.C., some of it may be slightly inapprops. only slightly) 

Teacher appreciation week is next week! Totally wanting one of these little pretties from Vera Bradley. 


Today is May 4th, Star Wars day AND  the day that marks 3 months until married times! I think this is completely appropriate considering the bearded nerdiness that I am engaged to marry. :) 

You know when you have those moments where you suddenly realize just how fortunate and blessed you really are? I had one of those this morning while driving to work. Love those. It's been a week of complaints unfortunately (both voiced and unvoiced). Complaining how long the week is, complaining how tired I am, complaining about money, complaining about everything. But for some reason I was able to reach some clarity today (maybe it's a Friday thing;) and realize that I still have food in my belly, a warm bed, and way too many clothes. 

Here's a link to a blog I am currently reading. I love this couple and how much they love to teach people about love. They have an interesting story and reading their beautiful words often puts me in a better mood. 


Picture dumping times! (1. 3 months! I know I'm annoying! 2. Did not realize that so many of the mini wines existed or that they were in such high demand! 3. Suuuper excited about bridaly things starting 4. MAY! 5. handsome 6. Go rangers!)

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