Friday, September 21, 2012

seven quick takes: take 8

Another week, another set of (probably boring, but for some reason I think they are worth sharing) takes!
Joining Jen and other blog ladies (bladies?) and a few gents over here
1. I got some serious enjoyment reading Bridget's post about TGIF. It made me think about TV and making an event out of it rather than turning it on for noise. When I was living alone I did that a lot. I would come home from work, turn the TV on to a random channel and wait until I had something to do or go to. Looking back I feel bad wasting the time and money and not cherishing the silence more. We have yet to decide on cable yet but if we do I really want to make an event out of shows and made a big deal out of it. I remember being a kid, watching TGIF and looking forward to that time all week. I remember it being a great time for family too to just sit, unwind, and have a calm evening...not to mention I may have had a huge crush on Uncle Jesse from Full House...
2. It's that time of the year. I started feeling not so great this week... but I suppose that's just a part of the job! I remember getting colds and sickies in elementary school all the time and it's pretty much the same for teachers. However, as a kid I was always up in that water fountain and being an adult I know better than to drink out of the germtastic sess pool. 

3. Apartment progress: yup. I keep telling myself that this is the week we will get it together and really organize and find a place for everything. This wasn't the week. Maybe next week...or the next... or never. 

4. Friend's wedding this weekend! I'm so excited to join in the celebration of a dear friend's yes to holy matrimony tomorrow! It's so weird that this will be the first wedding we get to go to as a married couple! Exciting, weird, and awesome all at the same time.
 5. Nasher tonight. We will be heading downtown this evening to hang out with another couple at this lovely event! I've never been before and I'm sure it is to be a good time. Deets next week. Also check out all of the awesome things happening in Dallas this week? Fun! Free! Fabulous! Fou should be there! (I wanted to keep it alliterative.)

6. Fitness goals. Now that I am starting to find the groove that is to be had this school year I am starting to think about fitness goals that I want to achieve this school year. I lost a significant amount of weight in college (for me at least) and have kept it off since I hit my goal weight. I have been focusing on building up muscle and hitting other fitness goals. I have never been a lover of running but I feel like the more I do it the more I may be able to tolerate it somewhatmaybe. I am thinking of registering for a fun 5k this year after I get over the dying feel I get every time I start a jog. 

7. As I said before, I haven't been feeling well...but I have a really great bearded guy that lives with me that came home the other night and made this delicious soup for me! So wonderful and it has been super yum to bring to school for lunch the past few days. I'm sure you could also put it in the slow cooker and have it getting yummy all day. Try it, your welcome: 

Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana

  • 1 lb ground Italian sausage - we used turkey
  • 1½ tsp crushed red peppers
  • 1 large diced white onion
  • 4 Tbsp bacon pieces
  • 2 tsp garlic puree
  • 10 cups water
  • 5 cubes of chicken bouillon
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 lb sliced Russet potatoes, or about 3 large potatoes
  • ¼ of a bunch of kale

1. Sauté Italian sausage and crushed red pepper in a large pot. Drain excess fat, refrigerate while you prepare other ingredients.
2. In the same pan, sauté bacon, onions and garlic over low-medium heat for approximately 15 mins. or until the onions are soft.
3. Add chicken bouillon and water to the pot and heat until it starts to boil.
4. Add the sliced potatoes and cook until soft, about half an hour.
5. Add the heavy cream and just cook until thoroughly heated.
6. Stir in the sausage and the kale, let all heat through and serve. 

I hope fantastic weekends are had by all! 

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